Clinical Interest
Mr. Kutty accepts all referrals for hip and knee disorders including arthroscopy of hip & knee, trauma, sports injuries of the hip, primary and complex hip & knee replacements, young adults with hip pain and failed joint replacements.
Special Interests
Mr. Kutty has a special interest in joint replacements of the hip & knee, the painful young adult hip, arthroscopy of the knee, and failed joint replacements.
Academic Background
Mr Kutty completed his basic surgical training in Ireland. He then completed his higher surgical training in orthopaedics in Ireland and Wales. He has also completed his masters in orthopaedic engineering from the University of Wales and a diploma in medical management from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
Professional Memberships
- British Orthopaedic Association
- British Hip Society
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- British Association for Surgery of the Knee
- Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) UK
- International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
NHS Base
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow
- M.B.B.S – Calicut Medical College
- FRCS (T&Orth)
- MSc-Ortho Eng – University of Wales
- Dip Med Mgt – RCSI
Awards and Fellowships
Wilhelminenspital, Vienna Professor Michael Wagner Exposed to MIPPO, MIS Techniques & Locking Plate Osteosynthesis. - BRITISH HIP SOCIETY & PLUS ORTHOPAEDICS TRAVEL AWARD 2007
Balgrist University, Zurich Professor Reinhold Ganz To understand the techniques of pelvic osteotomy and surgical dislocation of the hip in the treatment of early hip disease. - BRITISH ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATION ‐ EUROPEAN TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP 2007
ASKLEPIOS KLINIK in Bad Abbach, Germany Prof. J Grifka To improve my understanding of Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery - NORMAN CAPENER TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP - AWARDED BY THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND
12 Month Adult Reconstruction (Primary & Revision Arthroplasty) Fellowship at The University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
- S.Kutty, B.Thornes, W.A.Curtin, M.F.X Gilmore; Traumatic posterior Dislocation of Hip in children. Pediatric Emergency Care. Volume 7(1):32‐35; 2001
- S.Kutty, T.O'Donnell, D.Bennett, A.Devitt, D.P.Moore; Salmonella Osteomyelitis of the Pelvis in a Normal Adolescent Male – A case report and Literature Review: Journal of The Irish Colleges Of Physicians & Surgeons; Vol 30(2):81‐83; 2001
- T.O'Donnell, A.Devitt, S.Kutty, E.E.Fogarty; Recurrent Haemangiopericytoma in an Adolescent Male. JBJS 83B (2):269‐272; 2001
- S.Kutty, D.Bennett, A.Devitt, F.E.Dowling; Tuberculosis osteomyelitis of the Sternum in an Infant –A Case Report & Literature Review. Peadiatrics Intl; Vol44 (2) 186‐88, 2002
- S.Kutty, J.P.McElwain. Padding Under Tourniquets In tourniquet Controlled Extremity Surgery‐ Bruner's Ten Rules Revisited. Injury; Vol33 (1)75, 2002
- S.Kutty, D.Murphy, J.P.McElwain; Closed Intramedullary Nailing of the Tibia‐A Better Draping Technique. Europ J OrthSurg & Traum (EJOST); Vol 12(1) 58‐9, 2002
- M.A.Farooq, S.Kutty, J.P.McElwain; Fracture Dislocation of the Big Toe Resulting in gangrene and Amputation. The Foot; Vol 12(3) 112‐115, 2002
- A.Mofidi,R.Shanker, S.Kutty,K.Kaar,W.Curtin;Traumatic dislocation of the hip joint due to low velocity trauma.Similarities with the glenohumeral joint.EJOST; Vol 12(2) 108‐114.2002
- D'O Connor, H.Mullett, M.Doyle, A.Mofidi, S.Kutty, M.O.Sullivan; Plaster cast versus futura splint: A randomised prospective trial in the treatment of distal radial fractures. B.J of Hand Surgery; Vol 28 (1)50‐53.2003
- S.Kutty,M.A.Farooq,D.Murphy,C.Kelliher,F.Condon,J.P.McElwain.Tibial Shaft Fractures Treated with The AO Unreamed Tibial Nail – A 5 Year Review. Irish Journal of Medical Science; Vol 152(3)141‐142.2003
- D.O'Connor, S.Kutty, J.P.McCabe. Long‐term functional outcome assessment of plate fixation and autologous bone grafting for clavicular non‐union. Injury Vol 35(6)575‐579.2004
- S.Kutty, B.Anto, D.Mulcahy.OP1 in the treatment of Monteggia fracture non‐union. Injury ExtraVol 35(5) 50‐51.2004
- S.Kutty, A.J.Laing,C.V.R Prasad,J.P.McCabe ; Effect of Traction on Compartment Pressures During Intramedullary Nailing of Tibial Shaft Fractures. A prospective Randomised trial. International Orthopaedics Vol 29(3)186‐190 2005
- K.O'Shea,JF Quinlan,S.Kutty, D.Mulcahy,OH Brady; The use of uncemented extensively porous‐coated femoral components in the management of Vancouver B2 and B3 periprosthetic femoral fractures. JBJS(Br);87(12):1617‐21 2005
- CroninJJ,LimbersJP,Kutty S ,StephensMM. Intermetatarsal angle after first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis for hallux valgus. Foot & Ankle Intl; 27(2):104‐9 2006
- S.Kutty, P.Pettit, J.N.Powell. Intra‐capsular Proximal Femoral Fracture Following Hip Resurfacing Treated with Cannulated Screws. JBJS (Br) 91:1100‐02,2009
- Kutty S,Schneider P,Faris P,Kiefer G,Frizzell B,Park R, Powell JN. Reliability and predictability of the centre‐edge angle in the assessment of pincer femoroacetabular assessment. Int Orthop Jul 2011
Invited Publication
S.Kutty, D.Bennett, A.Devitt, F.E.Dowling; Tuberculous osteomyelitis of the Sternum
in an Infant –A Case Report & Literature Review
In 'Focus on Tuberculous Research'
Edited by Lucy T.Smithe‐2005 Pg181‐186
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